Villa Bonera
Isn’t it enough to sleep in a 5 Centuries dwelling? Just to make the idea, Villa Gnecco (Gnecco Nin di San Tomaso is the complete name of the family who made the Villa built) was already standing when Luther posted his 95 thesis that kicked off the Protestant Reformation, When Leonardo painted his famous self-portrait, when in today’s Mexico the great Montezuma was ruling.

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The history of Villa Bonera
16th Century noble residence
Villa Bonera lays its foundation upon the rests of an ancient roman temple to Neptune. During the first half of XVIII Century, approximately between George Washington’s and Marquis de Sade’s births, a major restoration work has been made, during which the magnificent marble staircase has been added. Around the mid-1800s, Gnecco Counts rented the Villa to the more blazoned Marquises Arconati who, with the necessary connections, in 1846 made Giovanni Battista Giorgini and Vittoria Manzoni, daughter of some novelist named Alessandro, got married in the Villa’s private chapel (today’s breakfast and dining room). From the second half of XIX Century already, Villa Bonera became site for a hotel and prestigious destination for russian, english, swiss, dutch and german guests; these last particularly took to heart the Villa, so during World War II they confiscated it and made it the headquarter of Nazi’s Navy. War raids left some original paintings of 1700/1800 anyway, beyond the lovely frescos still present in many rooms and in the common areas. In the past Century late 50’s, early 60’s, Villa Bonera has been acquired privately and Morandi family started to run the business: at first granpa Mario, then dad Roberto and mom Gabriella, and now brothers Marco and Barbara carry on the tradition of hospitality in Nervi with a smile, in a family environment.
Villa Bonera is built
Doria family gives permission to Gnecco Nin di San Tomaso family to build the structure.
Great work of reconstruction
At the beginning of eighteen Century, the marble staircase inside the Vila is included.
Villa is rented
The Marquises Arconati take Villa Bonera for rent.
Wedding of Vittoria Manzoni
Giovanni Battista Giorgini and Vittoria Manzoni, Alessandro’s daughter, get married in the private chapel of the Villa.
Villa Bonera becomes a prestigious hotel
Nervi takes out a touris vocation, Villa Bonera goes with the flow and becomes a hotel, welcoming guests from all over Europe.
It’s seized during World War II
During World War II, the Villa is seized to become the headquarters of the Nazi Navy.
Villa Bonera is taken under management by the Morandi family
Hotel Villa Bonera is managed by the Morandi family, that has been running it for three generations.